Davey Fest 2023

June 22–25 • Salt Lake City
Brewvies Cinema Pub
677 S 200 W • 21+

The 10-year anniversary of The Davey Foundation, featuring short films and filmmakers supported by Davey grants over the last decade

Thu, June 22, 7:30pm

Must Come Down
starring David Ross Fetzer
with filmmaker Kenny Oiwa Riches

Fri, June 23, 7:30pm

New Shorts Showcase

Sat, June 24, 3:30pm

Retrospective Shorts I

Sat, June 24, 5:30pm

Sundance Film Festival Showcase
Davey-supported films and filmmakers
that have screened at the
Sundance Film Festival

Sun, June 25, 2:30pm

Retrospective Shorts II

Full schedule TBA